Chris, Autumn, Brittany & Braxton Fagan September 5,2010

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

By Faith not by Sight

Greetings all! It has been a while since I have blogged, and I have been meaning to post a new one for awhile. It is hard to find a couple free hours to put a blog & pictures together, especially the pictures, they take forever to upload. I will try and do better though!
I get asked everyday “how is Chris?” And I give the answer he is doing good. Jesus Christ is carrying us every single day. We are keeping our eyes and our faith on Him! No matter what his body is showing us, we choose to believe Gods word! Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all. Psalm 34:19 KJV.
ALS is a terrible disease and we hate it. It is hard for Chris to communicate because his speech is often slurred. I am getting better every day at reading his lips. It is so hard not to just get to have a normal conversation with my best friend and not have to really work at understanding. And I know it is hard for him to not be understood. I miss his quick witty little comments, hey he’s a funny guy! Sometimes he will surprise me with a text or a note with one and I just melt!
He uses a walker in the house and if we go out to do anything we use a wheel chair. He walks really slow and gets worn out if he has to go very far. The wheel chair has really helped motivate us to get out of the house more. We are going to go to Braxton’s T-ball practice after while. Having the handicap parking sticker is also a big help.
Chris gets choked up a lot because of his swallowing. He does not have a lot of control over it so he has to drink with a straw to try and slow it down. I hate it when he gets choked, it sounds really bad. It scares people when they hear it happen, it is a normal occurrence though and it will pass.
As I sit and type this the speed of the symptoms of this aggressive disease is shocking. It has only been 10 months ago that we started noticing symptoms and 8 months since diagnosis. Chris’ body has changed so much in that time. I help him with most everything, he can brush his teeth, its just easier and quicker if I do it. Buttons make jeans a problem so we have invested in stretchable waistbands. I “remodeled” our small bathroom last week. I took down the shower doors, put up a shower curtain and got a bath seat so that has helped a lot.
ALS is a disease that I hope and pray that you or someone you know never has to experience first hand. It is a thief. The kids handle it pretty well most the time. One day when Brittany was looking at pictures she saw one of her and Braxton on Chris back and she hold it up to me and says “this makes me sad.” My heart broke. I try and stay strong every single day. When I am approached by someone and they want to talk about how bad off Chris is, I will not hear it. I am in not in denial I see him everyday, I know what he has been robbed of. Plus, how is that helping me? I have to fight back tears enough without being reminded while I am going to the post office. When you want to talk about how bad Chris’ condition is, I am going to tell you what the Bible says. Fair warning J
We are still believing God that Chris will be completely healed! And thanking Him for it every single day! Our God is the great healer, He has done it before and He will do it again! Thank you Jesus!
Some of our church members at Amity FBC have got together and really blessed us! Our yard is getting mowed all summer long and some of the ladies are providing dinner for us once or twice a week! I am so thankful for them!! I had mowed the yard once this year, but I am more than willing to hand it off! And the dinners that is going to be so nice. Three ladies came yesterday and helped me clean bathrooms & bedrooms and we did some rearranging. Such a huge help! We appreicate them so much! It seems like some days I go from 7 am till 11 pm. I have changed Gifts Galores hours to where I am open 4 days a week. Wed-Friday 12 till 5 and Saturday 10 till 1. Chris usually goes to the shop with me so we get to visit while I work. This time of year is big for Tuxedos. I had a great Valentines day, the best ever. Its alot of work, glad it only comes once a year, but I love doing it.
Both of the kids have had Birthdays this year! Brittany turned 11 on January 1st and Braxton turned 6 on March 21st.

They had alot of fun in the winter snows also

Durning the 1st week of March we got to go to Branson for
a week. A friend gave us her timeshare for the week and we had
a blast! The kids loved the indoor pool!

We also got to stay in Steve & Crystal's lake house again during spring break! The kids had sooo much fun. Thanks so much for letting us stay you guys!!!

I hope you all have a blessed week and I will try and update again soon!
Thank you all for your continued prayers for all family!
Let me know if you have any prayer request! We would love to pray for you! or 138 Pine Street Amity, AR 71921

In Christ,
Chris, Autumn, Brittany & Braxton Fagan