Chris, Autumn, Brittany & Braxton Fagan September 5,2010

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Catch Up

  It feels like it has been forever since I blogged! My laptop hit the dust right before we left for Minnesota, so I have not been able to blog. Chris' parents have loaned us a laptop until we can get another one. I am hoping there will be some good deals on them after Thanksgiving! Hopefully I will never have to go this long without blogging again!
  We are doing great! Chris' healing has begun! For example, at the Mayo clinic he could not hop on 1 foot during the medical exams, but he can now!!! Praise the Lord!!  We know that God is going to heal Chris. We are not in denial in any way and as some have said, "well you have to have that kind of attitude." I'll tell you right now, it is not an attitude, it is FAITH in Holy GOD!!!! Just watch and see whats gonna happen!! I don't know if total healing will come in 3 minutes, 3 days or 3 years, but its coming!! When people of God come and tell us that The Lord has told them that the Lord is going to heal Chris completely it is just more affrimation for us!!  I have no fear of my husband dying young, where as before he got this diagonsis I feared every day that I would loose him or the kids. satan used that fear on me every day, but he can't anymore! God helped me smash that dirty serpant!
    This will sound so crazy, but we are blessed that Chris got ALS. It has brought us to the place we are suppose to be in our spirtual lives. Life is about serving God whole heartly (not straddling the fence)! We have gotten rid of so many of the sinful things in our life and home that the Lord has showed us so far, I know there is more and more he will reveal and we will continue to throw them out.So that we may become more like Christ! As Christians we were trying to live for God and for the world. It does not work!!! We took inventory and have made alot of changes.Some changes were harder to make than others, but where He leads we will follow! If we want all of God's blessings poured out on us we have to be willing to live totally for Him! We are not the Chris & Autumn we use to be.
5 Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. Romans 8:5 (NIV)

We were missing out before. Salvation is only the beginning with God!!
So, because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold--I am about to spit you out of my mouth. Revelation 3:16 (NIV

If you are seeking God's plan for your life, seek Him, spend time in His Word and prayer! He wants so much to be closer to all of us, but we have to reach out to Him!

So give yourselves completely to God. Stand against the devil, and the devil will run from you.8 Come near to God, and God will come near to you. You sinners, clean sin out of your lives. You who are trying to follow God and the world at the same time, make your thinking pure.9 Be sad, cry, and weep! Change your laughter into crying and your joy into sadness. 10 Humble yourself in the Lord's presence, and he will honor you. . James 4: 7-10 (NCV) 

We had a great weekend last week. The kids got to enjoy several fall activites! We went to 2 fall festivals. One at the Glenwood Country Club and one at the kids school, Glenwood Christian School. The kids had a blast!

Getting a pumpkin painted on his face

Ring Toss

Train Ride

Mario & Blue Fairy

On October 3rd our church, Amity FBC, put on a great benefit for us! So many people came out and were wearing their Fagan Friends in Faith t-shirts! Thank you so much to everyone who came out and to everyone who helped put on the fundraiser!!! We appreciate you all so very very much!!! It was such a wonderful day! Great food, music, fellowship and fun!!

The next day we flew out to Minnesota. They had the most beautiful
autumn foliage we have ever seen in person. We stayed at the
Kahler Grand Hotel right across the street from the Mayo Clinic.
Nice place, but so happy to be home! God Bless!!!

Chris in downtown Rochester, MN

Silver Lake in Rochester, MN

100's of Canadian Geese that live on Silver Lake year around
because of the nearby power plant that keeps the water warm.